Eastlawn Memorial Park
1921 Early Blvd.
Early, Texas 78602
Phone:(325) 646-9125
Email: eastlawnmp@hotmail.com
Eastlawn Markers & Headstones
Eastlawn Memorial Park offers beautiful, high quality Headstones & Markers in two distinct styles.
Traditional Upright Headstone Markers sculpted of either Marble or Granite
Contemporary but Classic Flat Markers of Bronze over Granite
All Markers are customized for each individual or couple to suit their desires and those of their loved ones.
Eastlawn Flower Placement Program
Beautiful floral arrangements placed and maintained for you, throughout the year.
Silk Flower Placement Program - Beautiful silk floral arrangements placed graveside on an occasional, one-time basis or seasonally, four times each year. Arrangements are available in four seasonal bouquet styles.
This extremely popular service reflects your love and care forever.
Eastlawn Burial Location Options
Burial Lots & Columbarium Spaces Available
Park Garden Selections
Garden of Devotion
Garden of Good Shepherd
Garden of Innocence
Garden of Last Supper
Garden of Love
Garden of Memories
The Good Shepherd Columbarium (Cinerary Urns)
The Last Supper Columbarium (Cinerary Urns)
Veterans' Field - Reserved for those having served in the United States Armed Services
Click Here to view a plat ot Eastlawn Memorial Park Garden Locations.
Please direct complaints concerning Perpetual Care Cemeteries to the
Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78705.
You may call toll-free 1 877- 276-5554 or visit online at www.dob.texas.gov.